The public research policy in the humanities and the social sciences in Sweden during the postwar period – linked to the idea of the welfare state – is the starting point of this article. Priority has been given to particular research themes “facing society”. At the same time, the general left-wing orientation and the concomitant interest in processes of modern society accounts for a genuine interest of similar kind among many young ethnologists.
The author’s personal research policy is summarized in a four-point program arguing for a more courageous stress of synthesis, for more culture comparisons– preferably through interdisciplinary cooperation, for combinations of quantitative and qualitative methods, and, finally, for a theoretical involvement in the study of human being, not only of cultural variation.
How to Cite
Daun, A., (1996) “The Politics and Identity of European Ethnology: Example Sweden”, Ethnologia Europaea 26(2), 181-188. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/ee.860
Publisher Notes
- This article was previously published by Museum Tusculanum Press.